On November 1, 2019, we made 3 small changes to new Kaiser Permanente Washington member ID cards:
- All cards are now made of a lighter laminate material.
- Claims addresses have been updated where necessary.
- Medicare Advantage member ID cards now include the individual or group network designation.
All current Medicare Advantage members will receive a new card that includes their network designation. That network should be selected when Medicare members are using our online provider directory. All new members and members changing plans that require a new ID card will also get the new card. Other current members do not need to replace their existing plastic ID card. If they do choose to replace their ID card, they will receive the new laminate card.
There will be no difference in how members use their ID cards when receiving care. We’ll continue to accept current plastic cards, new laminate cards, and digital ID cards available through our mobile app.
Examples of the new cards
New Core group card
New individual Medicare Advantage card with Part D