The Federal Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) prohibits the sale of Medigap policies that cover Part B deductibles, such as Medigap Plan F, to individuals who become eligible for Medicare on or after January 1, 2020. MACRA also requires health plan carriers who offer Medigap plans in 2020 to also offer a Plan D or G.
Based on these requirements and Kaiser Permanente’s focus on the Medicare Advantage HMO care model, we will close our Medicare Supplement plans to new enrollment effective January 1, 2020.
In 2019, Kaiser Permanente Washington offered but did not actively market 4 Medigap plans: Plan A, F, K, and N.
Members who currently have a Medigap plan can renew it and rates will remain unchanged for 2020. Renewal letters were mailed by December 1. No action is required if members want to remain on their current plan.
There is no change to the Medicare Supplement commission schedule. Producers with renewing Medigap clients will continue to receive commissions in 2020.
Questions? Contact the Medicare sales and service team at 1-800‑581‑8252 (TTY 711) or email