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Our Small Group auto-renewal process has changed

Fall open enrollment is fast approaching. To make renewing easier for our mutual Small Group clients, we have a new expedited auto-renewal process.

Small Group renewal confirmations are due to the appropriate account manager by the 10th of the month prior to the group’s planned renewal effective date. In the event we do not receive timely notification, our account management team will automatically begin renewing a group’s coverage. If the group’s current plan is no longer available, they will be mapped to the plan that is most like their current plan. You and our mutual client will receive a copy of the Summary of Benefits and Coverage, Contract and Rates following the auto-renewal.

This change became effective on September 10, 2018. It will help ensure that administrative details can be completed before a group’s new contract year begins.

Plan changes can still be made

Groups that are satisfied with the plan selection don’t need to take any action. Groups that want to make changes to benefits or eligibility criteria can submit a master application by the last business day of the month, but the change may not be reflected in the first invoice of the plan year.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact your account manager.

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